How We Determine The Nature Of Damages In Motorcycle Accidents

motorcycle accident

Even if you ride safely and take every precaution on your motorcycle, you can’t control the actions of other motorists. Whether another driver simply doesn’t see you or isn’t paying attention, you may find yourself in an accident. Motorcycle accidents are often quite serious because you lack the protection of being inside an automobile. Nonfatal motorcycle accidents could leave you with serious, life-changing injuries that require significant medical treatment with mounting bills and loss of income. The experienced motorcycle accident lawyers at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices are here to help and can determine the type of damages you can claim after a motorcycle accident.

Determining The Amount Of Damages

Following a motorcycle accident, a representative from the insurance company of the responsible party will attempt to pressure you into settling your claim quickly to try to save the company money. While the settlement amount may seem generous, it’s seldom more than a fraction of what you’re legally due. A motorcycle accident lawyer familiar with these tactics can advocate on your behalf and help ensure you receive all the compensation you deserve.

No two cases are alike and there are numerous unique factors involved in each motorcycle accident, so there’s no way to accurately calculate the amount of compensation you could recover. However, if we prove liability, the types of damages you may receive compensation for under the law include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and future earning capacity
  • Other out-of-pocket expenses
  • Disability and disfigurement
  • Long-term rehabilitation and physical therapy
  • Pain and suffering
  • Psychological counseling and therapy
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of quality of life

Under Pennsylvania law, you aren’t allowed to ask for an arbitrary amount; instead, you must provide proof of concrete damages. Some personal injury damages, such as medical bills and lost wages, are concrete and easier to provide proof of the amount paid or lost and that will continue to be paid or lost. For subjective damages, such as pain and suffering, it’s impossible to predict the amount that may be awarded, and again you can’t ask for an arbitrary sum. The jury is asked to award an amount considered fair compensation based on the evidence presented on your behalf, and the amount is unique to every case. The way you present yourself can also impact the case, with likable plaintiffs often receiving more compensation for pain and suffering than unpleasant plaintiffs with similar injuries.

Hire A Top Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents can result in serious injuries that may affect you for the rest of your life. We work with motorcycle accident victims to obtain fair compensation for the entire range of damages and take the stress out of dealing with insurance adjusters and personal injury claims. Contact us at one of our Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices in the Lehigh Valley for a free consultation today.


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