Common Factors That Contribute To Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidentAt Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices, our personal injury lawyers have represented hundreds of motorcyclists and their families and can help you recover maximum compensation if you’ve been injured or have lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident.

There are many things motorcyclists can do to prevent accidents, but even the most careful riders have a much higher risk of being killed in a crash than occupants of passenger vehicles. There are certain risk factors that make motorcyclists more vulnerable to fatal accidents, and being aware of these risks can help you stay safer on the road.

Risk Factors

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the following factors are often involved in fatal motorcycle crashes:

Other vehicles: The number one killer of motorcyclists is other vehicles on the road. Most of these fatalities result from a motorcycle being hit in the front of the bike, not from the rear. Avoid distractions and stay aware of other vehicles when riding your motorcycle.

Left turns: Nearly half of motorcyclist fatalities occur when another vehicle is turning left. To make yourself more visible as a rider, wear proper reflective safety gear, especially at night.

Stationary objects: About 25 percent of fatalities in motorcycle crashes are due to a rider colliding with a fixed object like a utility pole, guardrail or tree.

Speeding and reckless behavior: Speeding, racing and lane splitting are contributing factors in more than one-third of all fatal motorcycle crashes. Obeying the speed limit and rules of the road can help keep everyone safer.

Alcohol consumption: In 2016, 37 percent of motorcyclists killed in accidents were riding while under the influence of alcohol. Don’t drink alcohol or do drugs before getting on your bike.

Age: Many people believe that young motorcyclists are most at risk for crashes. However, NHTSA statistics show that more than 50 percent of motorcyclists killed in accidents are over the age of 40.

Helmet use: It’s a fact that helmets save lives. According to the National Safety Council, helmets are estimated to be 37 percent effective in preventing fatal injuries to motorcycle riders and 41 percent effective for motorcycle passengers. Always wear a DOT-approved helmet when you ride on a motorcycle.

Recovering Compensation After A Fatal Motorcycle Accident

Motorists have a legal responsibility to practice reasonable care while driving, which includes looking out for motorcyclists. Going up against insurance companies is daunting, especially when you and your family are grieving the loss of a loved one. Although no amount of money can bring someone back, you may be entitled to file a wrongful death action against the responsible party. A personal injury attorney who is well-versed in handling fatal motorcycle accident claims can assess your case and determine the best course of action to find justice for your loved one and recover compensation for your damages and losses.

If you’ve been injured or have lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident, our personal injury attorneys at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad can help. Call 610-867-2900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.


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