Most Motorcycle Crashes Happen at Intersections

A damaged white motorcycle hit by a black SUV at an intersection
Taking a motorcycle ride on a beautiful day can be exhilarating. However, motorcycle accidents are common, and can lead to catastrophic injury or death. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a crash, you need an experienced PA motorcycle accident lawyer who understands the nuances of these collisions and how to prove who was at fault. Our motor vehicle injury lawyers at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices have decades of experience handling cases involving motorcycle crashes in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, we’ve represented clients injured at intersections all too often.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), 19.5% of crashes including injury and 6% of fatal accidents involved motorcycles in 2022. The NHTSA reports that in 2021, there were 5,932 motorcycle fatalities U.S., the highest number of motorcyclists killed since 1975. In addition, an estimated 82,686 motorcyclists were injured, and 35% of all fatal crashes occurred at intersections. Motorcycle accident lawyers in Pennsylvania are well aware of how dangerous intersections can be for motorcyclists and advise riders to always wear a helmet and stay alert and sober on the road.

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents at Intersections

Knowing the causes of motorcycle accidents at intersections can help you avoid them. Some of the most common causes of crashes in intersections include:

  • Other drivers or motorcyclists running red lights or stop signs
  • Motorists failing to check for motorcycles before turning
  • Failing to yield to motorcyclists turning or traveling through an intersection
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Visual obstructions that prevent drivers from seeing a motorcyclists
  • Speeding motorists hitting a stopped motorcycle at an intersection
  • Inclement weather
  • Obstructions in the road

Each situation is unique, and there are countless ways in which motorcycle crashes can happen at intersections. A motorcycle accident lawyer can investigate your case, determine how a motor vehicle collision happened, and identify who may be at fault and responsible for your injuries and other damages.

Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents at Intersections

Although you have no control over what other drivers do, you can still practice caution and take steps to reduce the risk of being involved in a motorcycle intersection accident.

Slow Down

Slowing down when approaching an intersection helps give you time to stop and avoid rear-end collisions and makes it easier to observe potential dangers that may lie ahead. Even if a light is green, check both ways to look for oncoming motorists and those who may turn in front of you.

Pay Attention

Looking ahead and paying attention while riding your bike is a must. Keep an eye out for obstruction in the road, sudden lane changes, cars running red lights, and vehicles turning at intersections. If someone is driving recklessly, stay as far away from them as you can. Not all drivers use turn signals like they should, so if a motorist appears to be preparing to turn, make sure to avoid them.

Look for Obstructions that Block Your View

Traffic signs, advertising, buildings, trees, bushes, other obstructions can prevent you from seeing around a corner at an intersection. It’s important to remember that if you can’t see a vehicle, the driver can’t see you either. If you encounter a visual obstruction, slow down and proceed carefully.

Be More Visible

Many motorists don’t notice motorcycles at intersections because of their small size. To ensure you’re as visible as possible, wear reflective gear and put reflective strips on your bike. Always check your lights before you hit the road and keep them on while riding.

What to Do If You’re Involved in a Motorcycle Accident

Even the most cautious motorcyclist can be injured in a crash. Taking the following steps can help protect your rights and provide valuable documentation for a potential motorcycle accident claim:

Check yourself for injuries and move to a safe area if you can. Call 911 and wait for the police to arrive. If possible, take photos of your bike and the accident scene, including damage to all vehicles and your injuries. Ask other drivers for contact and insurance information and get the names and info of any witnesses. Promptly seeking medical attention is also vital. Symptoms of serious conditions like internal bleeding may not appear right away. Failing to get the care you need can result in more serious injury or death.

Talk to An Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

One of the most important things you can do to protect your rights and interests is to contact a motorcycle accident lawyer in Pennsylvania as soon as you can. Hiring the best motorcycle accident lawyers with a track record of success like Thomas, Conrad & Conrad can increase your chances of recovering fair compensation and take some of the weight off your shoulders. A personal injury lawyer will handle all aspects of your case, including negotiating with insurance companies. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer will advocate on your behalf and fight to help you recover the maximum compensation you need to heal and overcome the physical, emotional, and financial obstacles you may face due to your injury.

Contact a Lehigh Valley Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices, we understand how devastating the fallout from motorcycle crashes can be.  For more than 40 years, we’ve provided competent, compassionate legal representation to personal injury clients in the Lehigh Valley. To schedule your consultation with a PA motorcycle accident attorney, contact us online or call us at 610-867-2900. We’re proud to serve clients at several convenient locations in eastern Pennsylvania.

How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help a Trucker Injured on the Job

A young boy in front of a wrecked blue tractor trailer

If you’re a truck driver who’s been involved in a crash, it’s important to know your rights and understand your options if you’ve been injured. At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices, our Lehigh Valley truck accident attorneys understand that truckers face unique challenges on the job. We help injured victims in eastern Pennsylvania obtain the compensation they need to heal and move on with their lives after a trucking accident. Our personal injury lawyers offer some information on how we help truckers who have suffered workplace injuries caused by someone else’s negligence.

What Does a Truck Accident Lawyer Do?

Personal injury lawyers know that trucking is a demanding job and a dangerous profession. Life-changing accidents and injuries can occur in the blink of an eye, leaving you unable to work and pay your bills. If you believe a serious collision was caused by the negligence of another, a truck accident attorney can help with your personal injury claim in many different ways, including:

Investigating Your Case

Your personal injury attorney will thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident. Collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, reviewing accident and police reports, and consulting with experts can help a truck accident lawyer identify how a crash occurred and who is responsible for damages.

Determining Liability

In any personal injury case, establishing who is at fault is crucial. In truck accident claims, liability may rest with several parties, including another driver, parts or equipment manufacturer, maintenance provider, lading company, the trucker’s employer, or other parties. A truck accident attorney can sort it all out and identify all potentially liable parties.

Claim Valuation

Trucking accidents often result in catastrophic injuries such as amputation, traumatic brain injury, and other serious conditions. The cost of medical treatment and long-term care alone can total millions of dollars, not to mention the emotional, physical, and financial costs of being hurt in a crash. Experienced truck accident attorneys take all of these factors into consideration to put an accurate value on your claim.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Although you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim for on-the-job injuries, workers’ comp doesn’t cover non-economic damages like pain and suffering and mental anguish.  If a third party is responsible for a crash, they may be liable for these types of damages. An attorney can help you understand the far-reaching effects of a truck accident injury, and help you file a personal injury claim against any liable parties.

If you’re considering this option, it’s critical to hire the best truck accident attorney you can find. Workers’ compensation and personal injury claims can have an impact on one another. A lawyer with experience in handling these types of cases knows how to maximize any benefits and compensation you may be entitled to receive.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

Truck accident cases often involve multiple insurance companies, which can be a nightmare to deal with. Insurers also try to minimize payouts and deny claims as often as possible. A seasoned personal injury lawyer can handle all negotiations on your behalf and fight to help you obtain a fair settlement while you focus on getting better. Damages may include compensation for past and future medical expenses, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, loss of enjoyment of life, pain and suffering, and other damages related to your injury.

Representing You in Court

Although most personal injury claims are settled out of court, sometimes filing a personal injury lawsuit is necessary to pursue the maximum compensation you need and deserve. Truck accident attorneys with a track record of success like the team at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices create compelling arguments that will help persuade a judge or jury to award the full amount you’re requesting.

You Need an Experienced Attorney for Legal Guidance and Support

Your truck accident lawyer provides legal advice and helps you navigate the legal system throughout the entire claims process. Knowing your rights, legal options, and potential outcomes can help you make informed decisions. If you’ve lost a loved one in a crash, an attorney can assess your case and advise you on whether a wrongful death claim is appropriate for your situation. Coping with your injury and potential claims or personal injury lawsuits is stressful, and working with a compassionate, competent truck accident attorney can ease your worries and give you peace of mind.

Contact A PA Truck Accident Attorney

For more than 40 years, our truck accident lawyers at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices have helped injured victims in the Lehigh Valley get the justice and compensation they deserve. Contact us online or call us at 610-867-2900 to schedule your consultation with a personal injury lawyer today.

What Is a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Close up of a man in a suit holding a paper that says personal injury lawyer

When you’re injured in an accident, figuring out what to do next can be overwhelming. A personal injury attorney is a licensed professional who provides legal representation to people who have been physically, emotionally, or financially harmed due to someone else’s negligence. Seeking the advice of a personal injury lawyer can help protect your rights, but it’s critical to understand their roles and responsibilities. At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad law offices, our Lehigh Valley personal injury attorneys help injured victims and their families understand what we do throughout the claims process and how we advocate for them.

Responsibilities of a Personal Injury Lawyer

The best personal injury lawyers wear many hats and take on various responsibilities to help clients recover fair compensation for their injuries. The major responsibilities of a personal injury attorney include:

Client advocacy and legal representation – The main role of a personal injury attorney is to serve as an advocate for their clients. They represent an injured party’s interests during settlement negotiations with insurance companies and in court if a case goes to trial. From the initial consultation to the resolution of the case, they offer guidance, support, and legal advice throughout the entire process.

Case evaluations – Assessing the viability of a personal injury case is one of the first things an attorney must do. Personal injury lawyers offer free consultations and work on contingency, so even if you don’t proceed with your case, you really have nothing to lose by having an attorney assess your situation.

Investigations – A personal injury attorney and their legal team thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident and injury. This involves gathering evidence, speaking to witnesses, and obtaining medical records and other documentation. An investigation may also include hiring accident reconstructionists and other experts to determine how an injury occurred, the impact it’s had on a victim’s life, and the potential value of the claim.

Legal research – Personal injury attorneys keep up with the most current, relevant civil laws and regulations. They often do research to find statutes and precedents that can support and strengthen their client’s case.

Negotiations – One of the most important jobs that personal injury lawyers do is handle negotiations with insurance companies and other parties involved in the case. This includes calculating the value of the claim, presenting evidence, and advocating for their clients’ interests to reach a fair settlement agreement. The best personal injury lawyers are well-versed in the tactics insurers use to deny or minimize payouts, and fight for your rights and interests.

Litigation – If a reasonable settlement isn’t a possibility, a personal injury attorney should be prepared to take your case to court. They handle all court filings, prepare for trial, represent their clients in the courtroom, present evidence, and offer compelling arguments to achieve favorable outcomes.

Types of Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury lawyers handle a wide range of cases that involve negligence or wrongdoing. Some common types of personal injury claims include:

Some common types of damages an injured party may be entitled to receive include the cost of medical bills, wage loss, pain and suffering, mental anguish, and other damages.

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’re wondering when to hire a personal injury lawyer, the short answer is to find an experienced attorney right away. Personal injury lawsuits and claims are complex. Personal injury lawyers use their experience and knowledge to build solid cases and help clients recover maximum compensation. They also have access to resources that you might not find on your own, including medical experts, investigators, and other qualified professionals.

Personal injury lawyers are skilled negotiators who fight for your rights and work tirelessly to obtain the full and fair amount of compensation you may be entitled to receive. Because they work on contingency, you won’t pay any up-front costs or owe attorneys’ fees unless they recover compensation for you.

Personal injury lawyers are equipped to handle all aspects of the legal process efficiently, which can lead to a faster resolution and a better chance of making a fair recovery. With an attorney by your side, you can focus on healing while they handle your personal injury claim, which reduces stress and gives you peace of mind.

Contact A Personal Injury Attorney in Eastern PA

At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad, our personal injury attorneys are dedicated to providing exceptional legal representation you can trust. Contact us online or call us at 610-867-2900 to schedule your consultation. We offer several locations to serve personal injury clients throughout the Lehigh Valley.

OSHA’s Fatal Four: Top Causes of Death in the Construction Industry

Construction worker lying on the ground after a fall off a ladder

Construction work involves some of the most dangerous jobs in the United States. Working in construction can be so hazardous that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has coined the phrase “Fatal Four” to describe the construction industry’s most common types of fatal workplace accidents. At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices, our construction accident lawyers understand the devastating impact the death of a loved one can have on a family. Our personal injury lawyers are dedicated to helping clients in eastern Pennsylvania pursue damages when a construction accident is caused by negligence.

The Fatal Four

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 5,190 workers were killed on the job in 2021. Of all worker fatalities, 20% occurred in the construction industry.

OSHA defines the deaths listed below as the “fatal four,” as nearly 64% of construction deaths can be categorized into these four common types of accidents.


Whether a worker falls from a ladder or a scaffolding collapses, a fall from a height can result in catastrophic injuries or death. Head injuries, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and internal bleeding are the most common causes of death due to falls. Even if a worker survives a serious fall, they may suffer lifelong effects due to their injuries. If you were hurt at work and believe it was caused by someone else’s carelessness or negligence, a catastrophic injury lawyer will assess your case at no cost and advise you of your options.

Struck by an Object

Construction workers can be hit by falling tools, building materials, and other items. Workers also may be injured or killed when struck by a vehicle or improperly loaded materials falling off trucks and other equipment. This is just one reason it’s vital to always wear a hard hat and other protective equipment when working on or visiting a construction site.

Wearing proper gear and following safety protocols saves lives and helps workers avoid serious injuries like traumatic brain injury. If an employer disregarded labor and safety laws, failed to provide proper protective equipment, or an accident was caused by a subcontractor, a workplace injury lawyer can help you pursue a claim for damages if you’ve been hurt or have suffered the loss of a loved one.


Unfortunately, many electrocution accidents occur due to labor law violations or negligence. Some of the most common include:

  • Contact with power lines
  • Fallen power lines
  • Overloaded circuits
  • Exposed wires
  • Damaged insulation
  • Wet conditions
  • Lack of ground-fault protection
  • Improper wiring
  • Inappropriate use of extension cords
  • Defective or damaged tools and equipment

Electrical accidents can cause fires, explosions, and serious injuries such as burns and disfigurement. If you’ve lost a loved one due to an electrical accident at work, a wrongful death lawyer can evaluate the circumstances surrounding the accident and determine whether you have a viable claim for damages.

Caught in or Between Objects or Vehicles

Caught in or caught between accidents happen when someone is squeezed, crushed, or compressed between two or more objects. Some common types of these accidents include building and trench collapses, being pinned between heavy equipment and a wall or another piece of equipment, and getting a hand or another part of the body caught in a piece of machinery. Not only do these accidents often lead to death, but they can also cause life-changing construction injuries such as amputation, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injury as well.

How a Wrongful Death Lawyer Can Help

If someone you love was killed at work, a wrongful death lawyer can determine who was at fault and whether you may have cause to file a claim against any liable parties. Wrongful death damages in Pennsylvania include:

  • Loss of expected future earnings
  • Medical expenses incurred before death
  • Loss of inheritance
  • Loss of retirement benefits
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of companionship and consortium
  • Reasonable value of guidance, assistance, and care the loved one would have provided had they lived

An eastern Pennsylvania construction accident lawyer also may be able to help you file a survival action, which allows the estate of the deceased person to bring a claim that the decedent could have brought if they were still alive.

Wrongful death claims involving accidents in the workplace are complex. Your personal injury attorney may need to consult with a workplace injury lawyer if workers’ compensation death benefits are also a factor in your case. This helps maximize the amount of compensation you may be entitled to receive. Although no amount of money can bring a loved one back, holding responsible parties accountable can help families find some sense of justice.

Contact a Construction Accident Lawyer in Eastern Pennsylvania

Our workplace injury lawyers at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices are dedicated to helping families whose lives have been turned upside down by construction accidents and fatalities. With offices in Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, and Monroe counties, we represent personal injury clients throughout eastern Pennsylvania. To schedule your consultation with a construction accident lawyer, contact us or call 610-867-2900.

Can You Win a Parking Lot Car Accident Case?

Police officers interviewing two women after a parking lot accident

Although many parking lot car accidents are minor fender-benders, major vehicle damage and serious injuries can occur, especially when a pedestrian is involved. The auto accident lawyers at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices handle all types of car accident cases in eastern Pennsylvania. We understand the unique challenges that can arise in claims involving parking lot crashes.

Types of Parking Lot Car Accidents

Whether a parking lot is jam-packed or almost empty, when drivers or pedestrians are distracted, accidents and injuries happen. The most common parking lot car accidents occur at low speeds when a driver is backing out of a space.

Motor Vehicle Collisions

Collisions between two motor vehicles in parking lots and garages happen every day. Often, it’s because drivers take shortcuts across parking spots, or simply don’t see another vehicle coming when backing up. Some other types of vehicle collisions include:

  • T-bone crashes
  • Head-on collisions
  • Rear-end collisions

Typically, the driver in a parking row lane has right of way over a driver pulling out of a parking spot. Drivers on the main thoroughfares of a mall, shopping center, or another type of parking lot have the right of way over those turning out of the smaller parking lanes.

This means that typically, a motorist backing out or turning onto a main lane in a parking lot is at fault if they get in a motor vehicle collision. However, there are exceptions, and who is at fault will depend on the specific circumstances. Because liability can be challenging to determine, if you or a loved one is hurt or your car is damaged, you should have an auto accident lawyer evaluate your case.

Pedestrian Parking Lot Accidents

Often, the most serious types of parking lot car accidents involve pedestrians or bicyclists. Because pedestrians and cyclists have no protection surrounding them, they can sustain serious injuries even when a car is traveling at a low speed.

These accidents sometimes happen because a driver fails to check behind their car when backing out of a spot. People also can get hit when crossing a street or parking lane in a lot. Staying alert when walking, biking, or driving in a parking lot can help you avoid bike and pedestrian accidents.

Proving Fault in Parking Lot Car Accident Cases

One of the reasons parking lot accident claims can be hard to win is lack of evidence in “he said, she said” claims. However, surveillance camera footage, police reports, and witness statements can make it easier to prove fault. A car accident attorney knows which type of evidence to collect and what questions to ask the injured person, alleged at-fault party, and any witnesses.

Who Is Liable for Parking Lot Injuries?

Depending on the situation, multiple parties could be responsible for a parking lot car accident, including:


If someone is injured due to a driver’s carelessness or distraction, the driver of that vehicle likely will be liable. If you’re hurt, you may be able to file an accident claim for damages against their insurance company. However, since Pennsylvania is a no-fault insurance state, you need to file a claim with your own insurance company, regardless of who was at fault. Although personal injury protection (PIP) coverage will cover medical expenses and property damage, state minimum requirements are quite low and may only cover a portion of your accident-related expenses. If a driver who caused a crash is uninsured, underinsured, or it is a hit-and-run accident, your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage also may provide some compensation.

The Property Owner

If the parking lot owner fails to place traffic signals such as stop signs, yield signs, crosswalks, and arrows indicating proper traffic flow in parking rows, they may be liable for a parking lot accident. Cases involving shared liability are complex and can be difficult to win. An auto accident lawyer can track down all possible sources of compensation and help you pursue damages if warranted.

What to Do if You’re Involved in a Parking Lot Accident

Taking the following steps can help protect your rights. After any car crash, you should:

  • Call 911
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible
  • Take photos or video of the scene and your injuries
  • Obtain contact and insurance information from any involved drivers, bikers, or pedestrians
  • Get witness statements and contact information
  • Contact a car accident lawyer

Even if you don’t think you’re seriously hurt, symptoms of your injuries may not appear until days or weeks later. Going to the ER or seeing a doctor can ensure any injuries are properly diagnosed and treated. Medical records also can be used to back up your claims in a car accident lawsuit. A personal injury lawyer will evaluate your case at no charge and advise you whether filing a car accident lawsuit is a feasible option.

Contact an Auto Accident Lawyer in Eastern PA

At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices, our auto accident lawyers help personal injury clients throughout eastern Pennsylvania find the compensation they need to protect their health and financial security. To schedule your consultation with a car accident attorney in Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, or Monroe county, contact us or call 610-867-2900.

You May Have a Traumatic Brain Injury and Not Know It

Close-up of a traffic collision report with pen and car key on top

When someone is involved in a car crash or hits their head in a slip-and-fall accident, skipping medical treatment is never a good idea, even if you notice no symptoms of injury. The signs of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may not appear right away. At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices, our eastern Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers handle all types of cases involving traumatic brain injuries. We know that even when symptoms aren’t obvious, it’s best to seek medical care to avoid the risk of a serious brain injury becoming worse.

Can You Have a Traumatic Brain Injury With No Symptoms?

Yes. It’s possible to have a TBI such as a concussion with only mild symptoms, such as a slight headache, or with no symptoms at all. However, this doesn’t mean that you haven’t suffered any injuries, and you may experience serious symptoms days or weeks down the road.

Concussions Are the Most Common Form of TBI

Concussions can range from mild to severe and can have lasting effects. If you already suffer from headaches or mental health issues such as depression or anxiety, you may not realize you’re experiencing symptoms of a concussion. If you’re involved in an accident or play contact sports such as football, it’s crucial to get checked out by a doctor if you sustain a blow to the head. Diagnostic testing such as CT scans and MRIs can detect damage to the brain and skull, which can help to ensure you’re properly diagnosed and receive prompt treatment. Common signs of concussion include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Moodiness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Insomnia

Even if you don’t suffer any of these symptoms after a head injury, it’s crucial to be evaluated by a healthcare provider. Recovery from a mild concussion can take just a few weeks, but if you have a more serious TBI, you may suffer permanent damage to the brain. Medical records also provide valuable evidence a car accident lawyer or personal injury attorney will need if you end up pursuing a claim for damages.

Other Types of TBI That May Not Be Apparent


A brain hemorrhage is uncontrolled bleeding either inside or outside the brain. Hemorrhaging usually is caused by a ruptured blood vessel in the brain. Depending on the area in which it occurs, an injured victim may not experience immediate symptoms. However, a brain hemorrhage should be treated immediately and usually requires surgery. Lack of proper treatment can result in vision problems, loss of movement, severe headaches, and death.

Subdural Hematoma

After a major blow to the head, a brain hematoma may form. A subdural hematoma happens when blood pools or clots in the brain between the surface of the brain and the skull. The hematoma can press on brain tissue and as it gets bigger, can cause loss of consciousness and death. Subdural hematomas are particularly dangerous, possibly fatal, for older people. If you’ve been involved in a slip and fall or car accident and experience symptoms such as headache, drowsiness, confusion, slurred speech, vision changes, or nausea and vomiting, seek medical attention immediately.

Cerebral Edema

Often known as brain swelling, edema can occur in various locations of the brain and cause fluid to accumulate in the skull. After an impact to the head, the pressure from brain swelling can cause brainstem compression and herniation, and eventually lead to death. Anyone who suffers this type of traumatic brain injury should be closely monitored for at least 48 to 72 hours. If caught early, edema is often treatable without long-term effects, so you should always go to the emergency room after suffering a blow to the head. Symptoms of cerebral edema include dizziness, headache, difficulty speaking, vision changes, memory loss, and neck stiffness.

Early Evaluation and Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injuries are Crucial

Slip-and-fall lawyers, workplace accident attorneys, and personal injury lawyers recommend that you see a medical provider as soon as possible after a head injury. Many traumatic brain injuries are treatable, and permanent damage or death can be avoided with early diagnosis and treatment. Even if you feel fine, if you’re involved in a collision, motorcycle accident, or another incident that causes you to be struck in the head, being proactive about seeking medical care could save your life.

Surgeries, hospital stays, medical treatment, therapy, and ongoing care for TBI can be costly. In addition, the physical, emotional, and financial impact of suffering a serious brain injury can be long-lasting. If you were hurt due to someone else’s negligence, a personal injury lawyer may be able to help you recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other accident and injury-related damages. Don’t take chances with your health ꟷ even if you haven’t suffered a serious brain injury, a trip to the hospital or doctor is well worth your time.

Contact an Accident Lawyer in Eastern PA

Our auto accident lawyers and personal injury attorneys care about our clients and their families. Whether you need help with a car accident lawsuit or have sustained a TBI in a slip-and-fall incident, our dedicated team at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad is here for you. With offices in Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, and Monroe counties, we serve clients throughout eastern Pennsylvania. To schedule your consultation with a personal injury lawyer, contact us or call 610-867-2900.


Can I Get a Restraining Order Against My Neighbor in Pennsylvania?

Angry young male neighbor yelling

Getting along with your neighbors can make life a lot easier, but unfortunately, sometimes it’s just not possible. Minor disagreements and annoyances such as a barking dog or loud music don’t affect your safety, but what can you do when a neighbor becomes abusive or threatening? If you’re considering filing for a Protection from Abuse order (PFA) against a neighbor, it’s important to know how orders of protection work in Pennsylvania. Our civil litigation and family law attorneys at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices help clients understand what recourse they may have when faced with a difficult or threatening neighbor.

How Restraining Orders Work in PA

In Pennsylvania, a Protection from Abuse order may be filed only against a family member, spouse, or current or former intimate partner. Unless your neighbor is a parent of your child, former spouse, or partner, or is related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption, you may not file a restraining order against them. However, it’s important to note that if you’re in a romantic relationship that is not sexual, you may still file for a restraining order if you are abused by this partner or former partner. But there are options if you are having trouble with a neighbor.

Other Types of Protective Orders in PA

Depending on the circumstances, there are other types of restraining orders that may be an option. A Sexual Violence Protection Order (SVPO) may be filed against someone who is not a family member or partner if they have perpetrated sexual violence against you, regardless of whether you have filed criminal charges. However, this type of PFA would not apply if your neighbor is merely aggressive or annoying and there is no sexual abuse element involved.

A Protection from Intimidation Order (PFI) may be filed when someone stalks or harasses a minor. The victim must be under the age of 18 and the perpetrator must be an adult. A PFI must be filed by a parent or guardian on behalf of the minor victim. For example, if your neighbor threatens, stalks, or harasses your minor child, you may be able to get a Protection from Intimidation Order against them, but it would protect only your child, not the whole family.

Understanding restraining order requirements in Pennsylvania can be challenging. An experienced Pennsylvania family law attorney can determine whether such an order applies in your case and help you file for it if appropriate.

Options for Halting Harassment or Threatening Behavior

Criminal Complaints

Even if you cannot get an order of protection against a neighbor, there may be other actions you can take to put a stop to threats, stalking, or harassment. If a neighbor threatens you with violence or sends intimidating texts, emails, or letters, damages your property, or harms your pets, criminal charges may be in order. Stalking and harassment are crimes in Pennsylvania. If you fear for your safety due to your neighbor’s threatening behavior, call the police. You also may want to look into filing a private criminal complaint, which usually is handled by the district attorney’s office of you your county.

Civil Claims

In some circumstances, you may be able to file a civil claim against your neighbor. If an incident or multiple incidents involve criminal harassment or property damage, you may be able to sue them. If you’re dealing with other issues such as a property line dispute, civil legal action may be necessary. If you’re unsure of what to do, an experienced attorney can assess your situation and advise you of your options.

Contact a Restraining Order Lawyer in Eastern PA

At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices, our skilled and compassionate lawyers are dedicated to helping clients throughout the Pocono Mountains region and the Lehigh Valley. With offices in Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, and Monroe counties, we make getting the legal advice you need accessible. To schedule your consultation with a civil litigation or family law attorney in eastern Pennsylvania, contact us or call 610-867-2900.

Common Slip-and Fall-Hazards

Close-up of a person walking on a wet floor
Whether you’re picking up groceries at the supermarket or walking your dog through the neighborhood, slips, trips, and falls can happen almost anywhere. For more than 30 years, the slip-and-fall lawyers at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices have helped clients throughout eastern Pennsylvania recover compensation for their injuries. Our personal injury lawyers believe that being aware of common hazards that cause accidents can help you avoid falling and hurting yourself.

Slick Surfaces

A recently-mopped floor, liquid or oil spill, and ice and snow are common culprits of slip-and-fall accidents. Property and business owners have a duty to keep their premises free of hazards. This includes promptly cleaning up spills and putting warning signs on slippery floors. Ice and snow on parking lots, sidewalks, stairs, and ramps also should be cleared and salted to prevent injury. If an owner fails to take care of these issues and someone falls and sustains an injury, they may be liable for damages.

Poorly Maintained Stairs and Walkways

Cracks, uneven surfaces, and other defects on stairs, walkways, and floors also can cause trip-and-fall accidents and injuries. Loose or broken handrails, steps in unexpected places, and objects left on the floor or stairs can be hazardous for people walking in the area. Failing to address and repair these potential dangers may be considered negligent.


Tripping over an improperly placed cord can lead to sprains and strains, broken bones, head injuries, lacerations, and other serious injuries. Property and business owners should always ensure that cords are never put where they could cause someone to trip and fall.

Loose Rugs and Carpets

When the edge of a rug or carpet isn’t flush with the floor, it can cause someone to trip and become seriously injured. Loose carpet on stairs presents a major hazard as well. Keeping an eye out for this type of hazard in a store or someone’s home can help you avoid injury.

Poor Lighting

Bathrooms, hallways, walkways, and parking lots are common areas where people may trip due to insufficient lighting. Property owners should always ensure their premises are well-lighted, both inside and out.

Experienced slip-and-fall lawyers have seen it all and are well-versed in all types of premises liability claims. If you’ve been injured on someone’s property and believe negligence played a part, a slip-and-fall attorney can listen to your story and evaluate your case. Personal injury lawyers offer free consultations, so you really have nothing to lose by having an attorney evaluate your claim.

Injuries Caused By Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Regardless of how a slip, trip, or fall occurred, victims can sustain serious injuries. Some of the most common include:

  • Knee, ankle, wrist, and shoulder sprains and strains
  • Broken bones
  • Head injuries, such as concussions and more serious traumatic brain injuries
  • Neck, back, and spinal injuries
  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Facial and dental injuries

Many of these injuries can require extensive medical treatment and have an impact on your quality of life. The cost of surgery, hospital stays, physical therapy, and other injury-related expenses can pile up fast. Living with chronic pain due to an injury can be disheartening and affect the whole family.

If you fell due to a property owner’s negligence, a premises liability lawyer may be able to help you recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other damages.

What to Do if You Slip and Fall on Someone’s Property

Falling and injuring yourself can be jarring and traumatic, but it’s important to take certain steps to document the accident and your injuries. If possible, take photos of the scene and your injuries. If you’re unable to get up or take photos, ask someone to assist you. If you fell in a store, office, or another place of business, make sure to fill out an incident report and get a copy before you leave.

Most importantly, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if you think you’re not seriously hurt, symptoms of some injuries don’t appear right away, so it’s best to get checked out by a doctor. A simple X-ray can confirm whether you’ve broken a bone, and even if your injuries aren’t all that serious, you’ll receive the medical care you need. Medical records also provide valuable documentation of your injuries and the incident. It’s also a good idea to contact an eastern Pennsylvania slip-and-fall lawyer. An attorney can evaluate your case, advise you of your options, and help you pursue compensation if you have a viable personal injury claim. Having a slip-and-fall lawyer as your advocate also can increase your chances of recovering a greater amount of compensation in a slip-and-fall settlement.

Contact a Slip-and-Attorney in Eastern PA

At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices, our premises liability lawyers are dedicated to helping injured victims hold negligent parties accountable. With offices in Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, and Monroe counties, we represent personal injury clients throughout eastern Pennsylvania. To schedule your consultation with a slip-and-fall lawyer, contact us or call 610-867-2900.

What the American Health Foundation Lawsuit Tells Us About Nursing Home Negligence

Close-up of a senior man gripping a cane

Millions of Americans count on nursing homes to take care of aging and disabled loved ones. Unfortunately, sometimes care in these facilities is substandard. In 2022, the Justice Department filed a False Claims Act complaint against American Health Foundation (AHF), alleging three nursing homes in Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Ohio provided grossly substandard care. The AHF sought dismissal of the suit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The motion to dismiss was denied on March 21, 2023.

At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Office, serving clients throughout eastern Pennsylvania, our nursing home negligence lawyers understand the nuances of these types of cases and how challenging they can be to win.  We’re happy to see a trend of the government holding facilities accountable for neglect, abuse, and fraudulent billing practices.

Allegations Against AHF

The allegations in this nursing home negligence lawsuit, as reported by the U.S. Department of Justice, are disturbing. Specifics of the malpractice these facilities are accused of perpetrating include:

  • Not following infection control protocols
  • Failing to maintain adequate staffing levels
  • Dirty, pest-infested buildings
  • Failing to turn, change, and bathe bedridden residents
  • Administering unnecessary medications, including antibiotics and psychiatric drugs
  • Failing to secure residents’ possessions
  • Verbal abuse
  • Failing to provide adequate activities or stimulation
  • Not providing necessary psychiatric care
  • Billing Medicare and Medicaid programs for medically unnecessary care and services

The claims in the complaint are allegations only, and there has been no determination of liability.

If you suspect your loved one has been a victim of nursing home negligence or abuse, a family law attorney can assess your case and advise you of any legal options you may have to find justice.

Cracking Down on Nursing Home Negligence at Federal and State Levels

The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light some serious problems in nursing homes all over the country. Since 2020, investigating nursing home negligence has become more of a priority for the federal government, the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. More transparency and accountability for these facilities are long overdue. Facing civil and, in some cases, criminal penalties for violations will hopefully push the corporate owners and administrators of these facilities to provide better care for residents. It also may have a positive impact on personal injury cases involving nursing home negligence.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

It’s crucial to be vigilant and watch for signs of abuse or neglect of loved ones in nursing homes. Personality and behavior changes can be a strong indicator that something’s not right. Other signs and symptoms of nursing home neglect and abuse include:

  • Bruises, scratches, abrasions, or broken bones
  • Bedsores
  • Malnutrition
  • Rapid weight loss or gain
  • Unsanitary conditions
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Your loved one becomes uncommunicative, upset, agitated, or withdrawn
  • Reluctance to speak around staff members
  • Heavy medication or sedation
  • Wandering or elopement
  • Unexplained or unreported illness or injury
  • Bleeding or injury in genital areas
  • STDs
  • The sudden, unexpected death of a previously healthy person

What to Do if You Suspect Nursing Home Negligence

If you are concerned that nursing home malpractice, abuse, or neglect is taking place, don’t wait to address it. Speak to the staff and administration about your concerns. If they are unwilling or unable to give a satisfactory explanation, you will have to take further action. Talk to your loved one and other residents, and make sure to let them know they haven’t done anything wrong and that whatever they tell you is private. If the facility won’t allow you to talk to your loved one alone, you should definitely take action. There is a 24-hour hotline you can call to report elder abuse in Pennsylvania, and you can report a complaint about a nursing home online as well.

Speak to a Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer

The trauma and pain that abused or neglected nursing home residents endure can have long-lasting effects. Hopefully, the government crackdowns on nursing homes will make it easier to hold these facilities accountable. However, going up against these institutions can be daunting. A nursing home negligence attorney can assess your circumstances and advise you of whether you have cause to pursue compensation for damages in a nursing home abuse lawsuit or wrongful death claim.  Hopefully, taking action and holding a facility accountable will not only help you protect your loved one, but it may also save someone else from suffering a similar fate down the road.

Contact a Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer in Eastern PA

At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices, our compassionate nursing home negligence lawyers and family law attorneys help clients throughout eastern Pennsylvania get the justice and compensation they deserve. With offices in Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, and Monroe counties, we make it convenient to find the quality legal representation you need. To schedule your consultation with a nursing home abuse lawyer, contact us or call 610-867-2900.

What Can You Do When Police Withhold Car Accident Reports?

A police officer taking a traffic accident report

A police report is a crucial piece of evidence in a car accident lawsuit or personal injury claim. Typically, obtaining a car accident report in Pennsylvania is fairly simple, but what should you do if you’re not getting results or the police withhold it from you? The auto accident lawyers at Thomas, Conrad & Conrad provide advice on how eastern Pennsylvania drivers can get police reports in a timely manner.

Why Do I Need a Copy of a Police Report?

When police arrive at an accident scene, they typically investigate to try and figure out how a crash happened. Insurance adjusters and personal injury attorneys also investigate car accidents, and often give a lot of weight to the contents of police reports, as officers may indicate who is at fault for a collision. Police reports may include information such as:

  • Details about the accident and the vehicles, property, and people involved
  • Identifying information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, driver’s licenses, plates, and insurance details
  • Statements and contact information from motorists, passengers, and witnesses
  • Other details such as weather and road conditions, injuries, and fatalities
  • A hand-drawn diagram that shows the path of the vehicles, point of collision, and location of the crash
  • Traffic violations or citations
  • A police officer’s findings about how or why a collision may have occurred

The wealth of information that’s often found in motor vehicle collision reports can help your lawyer back up your claim and prove who is at fault for a crash.

How to Obtain an Accident Report in PA

The easiest way to get a police report is to ask for a copy on the scene. Some law enforcement agencies use forms that include multiple copies, and the officer may be able to give you a copy. However, it can take days or weeks for a report to be completed, so you may have to request it later. An investigating officer may be able to give you a receipt with the identification number for the police report, which will make it easier to find.

Someone who’s involved in an accident, their personal injury lawyer, and the insurer can request a copy of a crash report from the Pennsylvania State Police. The fee is $22, and the application should be submitted at least 15 days after the date of the crash. If a car accident lawyer is handling your case, they can make this request for you. It also may be possible to get a copy of a police accident report from your insurance adjuster.

The process for obtaining accident reports from local and county police departments varies. Typically, crash reports prepared by law enforcement officers are public records, so if you’re having trouble obtaining one, you may need to file a public records request under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law (RTK).

How an Auto Accident Lawyer Can Help

If you need assistance obtaining a police report, your personal injury lawyer can track it down by filing a right-to-know request with the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records. Your auto accident attorney can determine which agency they should contact and the Open Records Officer to whom the request should be sent.

When requesting an accident report, it’s crucial to be concise and provide as much specific detail as possible, such as the type of record, date, and party names. Your car accident lawyer will know what information to include to help ensure the record can be quickly located.

Under the Right-to-Know Law, an agency must respond to a records request within five business days but can request a 30-day extension if more time is needed. If you’ve already submitted a PSP crash report request or RTK records request and it has been denied, your accident attorney can help you file an appeal.

Submitting requests and dealing with government agencies can be time-consuming and frustrating. Your personal injury lawyer can take the weight off your shoulders and handle all aspects of your claim or car accident lawsuit.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Eastern PA

At Thomas, Conrad & Conrad Law Offices, our auto accident lawyers are dedicated to helping injured victims throughout eastern Pennsylvania get the justice and compensation they deserve. With offices in Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, and Monroe counties, we make it easy to find the quality legal representation you need. To schedule your consultation with a car accident attorney, contact us or call 610-867-2900.